The surprise of djuice never ends!!! From new on, all djuice subscriber
can enjoy
100 SMS bundel only @ 5 Taka
Just type D and send this SMS to 9999 number and enhoy 100 SMS. The calidity of 100 SMS is 3 days and the SMS can be sent to any djuice and GPnumber!!
Dial 856682# to check your bundle SMS balance
Minipack 3MB @ discounted price
Get Minipack 3MB internet pcak @ 7 taka only. For activate 3MB internet type 3MB or p10 and send to 9999 number. You will get 3 MMS free with 3MBdata. To check the remining balance dial *500*60#
100 MMS bundle only @ BDT 5*
Type D MMS and send it to 9999 number. The validity of 100 MMS is 3 days and MMS can be sent to any djuce and GP numbers. Dial *566*14# to check your bundle MMS balance.
FREE welcome tune with new djuce SIM
Steps to enjoy free welcome tune
1. Active your djuce SIM
2. Dial *566*3# and check for free balance (BDT 34.50) for Welcome Tune
3. Type WT
Tearms and Condition
* 60 Second pulse applicable for voice call.
* Offer activation SMS charge is not applicable.
* 15% VAT applicable.
* For details please visit